Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Adventures with Mom and Dad - Italy back to Denmark

Now where did I leave off.. oh yea.  Leaving Aero Island.  Well there was some kind of problem with the ferry that I was supposed to take, so I get a text message (in Danish of course) saying all the rest of the ferry trips from the west end of the Island have been canceled... Sooo I will have to backtrack and head back up north and up and over to Germany.  Added a little over an hour to my travel time I think (not as bad as I was expecting so that is good), I actually beat Nate who had to take the train back home since I stole the car for the week.  ;-)
Once I got to the really happening town of Husum, Germany, where my week was to commence, I called to see how Nate's journey was progressing... and he had a train full of drunk youngsters who were coming back from a weekend in Copenhagen, and had a vodka orange spilled on him.  Needless to say, he was not the happiest camper.  Oops. Eventually he made it (after another run in with a drunk man in the street, who was trying to start a fight with him), fun filled day.

My hotel was awesome though!  Husum, not the most awesome, but was still fun to be in Germany.  Husum is just a very, very sleepy little town. Apparently so much so I didn't take any pictures, ha.  Well ok, spent 4 days on compliance visit and then hauled up to Billund on Thursday to catch the 7pm flight down to Milan. I am so living it up with my "Gold" membership with the Flying Blue team (KLM/Air France/Delta), I love walking in and going to the business counter to check in  ;-p  Now I am spoiled though, any time I fly with some other airline that is not an affiliate I am sad.  Yea I could get used to the VIP treatment of just about anything I think.  Pre-boarding is a luxury that I eat up.  My flight went by without a hitch, I made it to Milan late at night and headed to my hotel where I was to sleep for a couple hours before getting up to catch the early train down to Cinque Terra to meet Mom and Dad (so I could spend the whole day with them).  As I was only going to be there 4-ish hours I had booked a cheap room.  Which was fine I guess, but it was hot, and there was no air conditioning, and the hotel was on a main street so having the window open I could hear all the noise/cars/sirens on the street.  Good thing I am a pretty heavy sleeper, once I managed to fall asleep I slept decently for the couple hours till I had to get up.

I had one change that I had to make before getting on the little train into Cinque Terre (which I almost missed since I am a stupid tourist that didn't realize that 1A is a different platform than 1, is parked out of the station and looks like it is just a train that is just hanging out getting).  Anyway when my train was not the one at the platform I freaked out and asked some maintenance guy (who didn't speak English), and managed to get my point across and he pointed outside of the covered platform area, and I saw the train and ran... I sat down just as the train was pulling out of the station.

Made it, and got off the train and saw two familiar faces searching for me.  So good to be back in Cinque Terre and with the fam again!!!!  Their place was awesome, had a great terrace with a view of the Riomaggiore harbor.  Same view Nate and I had but was just amped up with the balcony.  :-)

 We did a lot of walking and eating, and relaxing, and playing in the water. One day there was a train strike and so instead of heading out for death hike #2 we decided to go for a little walk around Riomaggiore... Which turned into way more like a death hike since it was very warm and straight up for like 45 minutes.  As mom is suspiciously looking up knowing we are heading up to the cathedral at the top of the hill that she had very adamantly said she was not hiking up to. We walked up and up and up, past little vineyards nestled in the hillside. 
 Totally does not do justice to the massive climb we did, but this really went on and on and on and on.....
 Happy hikers!
 Our destination 'Madonna della Monteneri' church...  Sorry Mom you were right.
  Quite a beautiful view though!  That's our town way down there!

We all parted ways and they headed on to Florecne for the rest of their adventures without me in tow.  They came back and met me the following weekend back in Aarhus and I took them on their final Europe adventure up North to Skagen.  The northern tip of Denmark where the two seas meet.  I saved this adventure till when they came to visit so we could all experience it together for the first time  :-)  The Danes are very proud of this area, and the battle the two seas are having with one another at the tip.  You can really see the seas battling for position, it is a pretty fun sight.

We were hoping for good weather, unfortunately we picked one of Denmark's lovely rainy/windy/cold days.  So we bundled up before the trek.
 If it were warmer we would have been shoeless and closer to the water, however as it was freezing the idea of touching the cold water was not so appealing... We got as close as we could though  :-D
First waves I have seen in Denmark! They were very small but they were still there..
 I rented us a room out in the dunes just south of Skagen city so that I could give them a little break after all the city dwelling they had done through their adventures.  It was a lovely place, with a fantastic view, but it was like a ghost town and our room smelled very strange... So was an interesting stay.  Was fun to be able to head out the door and go for a walk in the dunes though.  The hotel we stayed in is the one on the left, it is owned by the one on the right though (so all eating was done in the big one).  We were the ONLY ones who were staying in the one on the right.  Strange feeling.
 Still smiling
 Luckily we are a close family, sleeping arrangements were a bit awkward, why not take 3 beds and just put them all right next to each other (instant triple room to these Danes apparently)
Hiking in the dunes, our little walk turned into like a 4 1/2 hour trek through the dunes, during which there were times we were wondering if we really were going to hit the beach ever... And once we hit the beach there was still the question of if we could walk up the beach and make it back to our hotel that way, or if we were going to have to turn around and go back. Took a bit of prodding but mom managed to convinced Dad that we could make it back on the beach.

 There was beautiful marbled patterns in the sand throughout the dunes.

 We are lost! Are we going to make it??  Ok ok, a bit dramatic, hehe.
 And we finally get to the beach... and see this sign... good thing my Danish is so strong (not... hmm... maybe I should have started classes).. We just hoped it didn't mean anything too bad, and headed up the beach.. (even though we really weren't sure if we were going to be able to tell where we needed to cut up from the beach to our hotel..)
 Along the way we crossed some WWII bunkers sunk in the sand
 View from inside.. don't think this one provides much shelter anymore  ;-)
 Final stop was Aalborg for a night before I put them on a plane first thing the next morning.  We went for a little walk through a park and found this cool fountain..
 And adorable baby ducks!!!  The little scared guy ran around the edge for about 5 minutes before mom was about to come and bump him in if he didn't jump himself (his mom of course, not mine) ;-p

 Quite a change for Mom and Dad coming to the quiet deserted streets in Denmark (at dinner time for sure), after being in chaos in Italy ;-)
We walked around the sleepy streets until we found a good place to eat our final dinner together in Europe.
 Much more reasonable sleeping arrangements for a triple in our hotel in Aalborg.  Glad I am a heavy sleeper though with those two snorers under me. haha.  Hello Mom!

Well, I had an amazing time on Mom and Dad's adventure, as I know they did too.  I wish I could have spent the whole time with them, but was good to let them have their own romantic adventures too I guess.  :-)  Till next time...

It is much harder to be away from everyone right after seeing them, as soon as they left I was in a funk for a while, so hard not having them here!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Adventures with Mom and Dad - Aeroe Island DK

Mom and Dad finally made it over to Europe!  They came for a 3 week vacation and I went and met them every chance I got.  When they first got here I went to Billund to pick them up and drove them through the flat Danish countryside to get home.  Was funny to see their first reaction was much like mine. "This seems a lot like Oregon".  The climate is very similar in the spring/summer/fall and the rolling green fields are very familiar  :-)

For the first couple days they stayed with us in Aarhus to get their bearings and get over jet lag a bit.  Their days were spent wandering around the town and just checking things out.  Was so nice to have them here, Warms my heart to have my family so close for a while!!  (just missing Kins, hopefully she gets to make it over here in the spring next year!!)

After a couple days they headed over to Aeroe Island, a quaint island in the Southern part of Denmark.  They had one night there alone to get settled before Nate and I headed down to crash the party.

My chauffeur - Euro Nate (don't worry, I popped his collar to be funny, he hasn't really been ruined over here totally yet)  ;-p

We spent the whole weekend riding bikes around, and walking around, and drinking tea and playing cards :-)  Mom and Dad had the best B & B owned by a very friendly English woman who would serve tea and cookies to you in the afternoon whenever you made it back.  Even though Nate and I were not staying there she still gave us tea and biscuits too.  And gave all of us enough left over breakfast bread and meats/cheese to make little sandwiches to eat for lunch so we didn't even have to worry about that.  So if anyone goes to this island (which is totally beautiful and was an amazing place to spend the weekend!!!), stay at Pension Vestergade 44 B&B, you won't regret it.

The cute little cobblestone streets around the little sleepy town. 

 Nate doing a little happy jig once we got there.
View from Mom and Dad's little nook at the top of the B&B
 Bike ride beginning, weather was nice

 Meandering through the canola fields

 Weather starting to turn nasty
 Evening walk out to the little beach huts.  These little huts lined the beach.  I guess they are packed full in the summer when the weather is nice.  This sleepy little town turns into a much more lively social party spot.  We were told these little places were very expensive to buy, and then you had to pay a lease fee each year for them or something.  So would be really nice to have to be able to store your stuff and be able to get out of the sun when it is hot.. but still seemed like an unreasonable expense... guess you'd have to be pretty loaded to own one  ;-) 
 Very cute though, really wanted one.  ;-)  Mom and dad were going to pretend like this is where I was going to be staying when I got there... but were going to pick one that looked more like a shed without so many windows so it did not look so wonderful.

 Now now Dad, you can't have one either.

 Not sure why I am making beaver face.. but is a nice pic of Nate  :-)
 Howdy Jim Dear, now who do you think I get my dorkiness from?
 Oh yes, hello Nate, so friendly
 I am glad you think you are so funny....
 True Love at it's finest - picture perfect

 We had to take a break to feed the horses some snacks of course.  They were very cute.  Funny that horses have very different personalities too, there were some that were much more aggressive/greedy and wanted to hog all the treats.  We made them share though  ;-)
 Best Danish made IPA we have found yet, Nate was in love
 Yep, back to being friendly again... bang bang
Was a great weekend, I would love to go back to this island one day, it's just too bad it takes ~3+ hours to get there between the drive and the ferry ride over there... Sunday I headed down to Germany for a compliance visit for work for a few days, then I headed down to Italy to meet them in Cinque Terre for a long weekend!  But that will have to be a story for another time  :-D