Monday, December 6, 2010


It is kind of crazy how much I miss everyone.  When I went to Australia it was pretty much straight playing in the warm sun... but here it is work... and then hibernating from the cold... So it is really an effort to get out and actually do things.  But as I started totally feeling like a rat in a cage last weekend I ventured out of town with a couple of coworkers.  It stopped snowing and actually broke 0 degrees Celsius so we were having a heat wave!!!  We ventured a couple hours up north to a little town of Aalborg (which so happens to be the fourth largest town in Denmark.. at ~130,000 people).  We went to go see the Christmas market and just wander around the town for the day. (as of course I had to make it home by the beaver game in the evening.. hmmm.. which didn't turn out so well.. but could have been worse)

It is a really cute little city which really feels much larger then it really is due to there really not being any other large towns around so I think this one (the "largest" in area) just has gotten a bit bigger with shops and stuff.
Joe and Carol my coworkers from Australia who I was venturing with, are totally awesome.  We had a day full of laughs, and had a really amazing time.  I love the crazy Auzzies  :-)

I am totally drawn to fountains.. I am sure many of you already know that. But I am always a bit surprised just how much time I can spend looking at them.  Apparently even when they are not currently running.  There was this amazing frog fountain in the center of the walking streets in Aalborg and I LOVED it  :-D  Little frogs buried in the snow!
 I don't know what these cathedrals were but they were pretty neat looking  :-)
 Super old church in the middle of Aalborg.  I thought I read somewhere that it is the oldest still in tact church in use in Denmark... but I am starting to think I made that up...

 Hidden between buildings in the middle of the shopping streets was an ice skating rink... or two.. one for the little kids who were learning (like a bunny hill... but on the ground...and not a hill.. and for ice skaters not skiers... so I guess really not like a bunny hill at all. haha)... and then a bigger one for all the professionals to skate around on..
As I have never been ice skating before I know that when I do try to go this winter I am going to end up with all the munchkins in the baby rink. haha.
 Christmas market!!!  Like a little craft fair that comes out at Christmas time  :-D
And why not just throw in a Ferris wheel and merry-go-round in the middle of the mix.  Seriously was wedged between everything.. not totally sure how they even got it in there. Ha.

Was a great day though. And made it back in time to watch the game... which I guess went better then it could have with our on again/ off again team this year.  Hopefully it means that Quiz will come back and play next year with James though!  And Katz takes some time to grow up over the summer and not get so rattled when he gets hit. And our offensive line learns how to do their jobs... yea that would be nice.  maybe next year is our year.. I will still be staying up at all hours to watch the games.  So still a devoted fan, even from over here.  I watched all the train wrecks this year  ;-p

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