Lets see... what's been happening the past few weeks.. hmm...
It snowed again this weekend, didn't really stick, but still it snowed. I can't wait until it is nice again. The wind just slices right through everything and cuts right to the core.
Overall though I guess I am just now settled into this laid back life. I feel so calm and domesticated over here. Life just moves slower. I spend my time now going to the gym, jogging/walking in the park by my house, playing badminton or squash, watching tv, reading books, listening to Nate play the guitar, cooking, cleaning... yea very relaxed. I am getting much more used to cooking, Joe you would be so proud. It is just so expensive to go out it is a lot more appealing to cook at home. Maybe when it finally starts being nice outside I will be more motivated to get out and go to dinner in town :-D
I go out to dinner once a week or so with my friend Carol, and maybe her roommate Jo, and then out for a couple drinks. We went salsa dancing this week which was fun. There was an hour lesson and then the floor opened up for everyone to just dance.. which is when we went and hid, and just watched the good dancers, and the beginners trying real hard, and rebuffed all of our admirers, not ready to take that next step ourselves... Maybe one of these weeks we will get bold and try it ourselves ;-)
I had my first American Women's Club of Aarhus book club meeting last weekend. I was supposed to be in Hamburg with my two Auzzie girl friends so I had slacked off on reading the book and had like 250 pages left... and when our travel plans fell through at the last minute I spent the weekend buried in the book reading so I could be good for the first meeting and have the book completed. The Lacuna was the book, and I must say, reading it all in one sitting was way better then the small increments I was reading it in before. I am just not the best with history so the whole Frida/Trotsky/Stalin story was totally new to me so that was interesting. It was strange reading a book that is fiction but seems so real. Think that was the brilliance of her story. I spent the whole time wondering if she was really just transcribing someone elses journals (which at first made it hard to understand how it could be called a Kingsolver book if she is just using someone elses words), but there was a brilliant ending and reading the author's notes at the end really made it all the more interesting to me. I LOVE books. I am such a dork. This weekend I read the next book club book (for book club back home, Look Again, which I really loved too), great weekend. :-)
Anyway, back to the book club here. I finished the book the morning before the meeting (meeting was at 1pm and I finished the last page at 11am), so proud to be prepared for the meeting... Little did I know the older ladies here are just as bad as my lovely girls back home. I would say 5 of the 9 of us had finished the book, 3 had started it and made it maybe half way through, and 1 hadn't even started it. Still, we had a lot to talk about. We did a round robin and everyone had a second to say what they liked about the book, what got their attention, what they thought about it. Was fun to hear everyone's reactions, and the differences with what everyone was thinking as they were reading it. Love these ladies, there is one that is early to mid thirties probably, but the others are between 45 and 70 probably. Great diverse group, part Americans, part English, part Canadian, I feel so welcomed into the group by all them. Nice to have a little taste of back home in this strange new world. :-) Look forward to the next meeting with them, whatever that might be. Maybe a spa weekend???
Side note.. My neighbors who we share the laundry with monopolized the washer/dryer all weekend. I just don't understand how you can do laundry for 36 hours. Totally irritating. I was so patient for the first 24 hours. Understanding of the fact that they had a lot to do and just put my dirty clothes down there in the basket waiting my turn. They kept going out and just leaving the laundry in there for hours. And I really hate it when people touch my laundry so I didn't take any of their laundry out... but eventually I ran out of patience. 30ish hours of doing laundry was about my breaking point. I took their laundry out of the washer and put in in their laundry basket (which they have done to me once before, but still I felt bad).... Their eventually put it in the dryer but then left it there. And didn't have any other baskets down there and I didn't have the heart to take out their dry clothes and put it anywhere... so my house is now filled with wet laundry draped all over everything. Yea, not idea. grrrrrr. I just don't understand how people can be so inconsiderate when they knew that I wanted to do laundry too. Ok, venting complete, random rambling complete. Nothing real exciting happening right now I guess, next weekend we are going to explore Stonehenge and Bath so am looking forward to that adventure! Then next month Ireland!!! Then the month after 2 weeks in Italy, one for work and 1 for play! Then the month after mom and dad visiting!!! Ahhh, I can't wait for the adventures to come. Miss you all. Off to bed... Hugs to everyone on the other side of the world, you are always in my heart.
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